Favorite Car

Favorite Car

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


 The grandmother's culture has some ways that are different than our. Some of these ways are shown in the story, for example Chines people bow to you or other people instead of just hugging them or saying hello. Also their is a way that the chines people have of trying to make their self beautiful and it is not very pleasant.They try to make their feet small so they rap their toes around our foot and then cut off the circulation to their foot so it doesn't hurt. I think that this next reason is very mean because the Chines people like boys more than girls because like the grandmother said," boys are everything.” An example of a way that we would do for the sake of beauty would be like getting plastic surgery or dying hair. This is bad because stuff like plastic surgery are permanent but dying hair could make you look bad even though you thought it looked good. 

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