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Monday, November 19, 2012

Character Development

Character Development
By: Zach Maderski

  I am going to tell you about a kid named Percy Jackson. He starts out as an average kid with a normal life with a few problems that most kids don’t have. Over the years at Camp-Half Blood, he becomes smarter, a better fighter, makes lots of friends, and becomes one of the biggest heroes that ever lived.
  Percy’s life had been very hard because his dad left them (Percy and his Mom) when he was very little and never got to meet him. His mom married a guy named Gabe. Gabe is really mean and treats his mom like a slave. Percy always asked his mom why she married a guy like him. Percy and Gabe never get along well because Percy would stand up for his mom and yell at Gabe to stop acting so mean to his mom.

   Percy had a hard time at school mostly because he has ADHD so it’s hard for him to read. He didn’t have many friends because he was shy and almost a loner but, he did have his best friend Grover who he knew for a long time. Also weird things always happen to him, like once his teacher turned into a monster and tried to kill him and once two cheerleaders turned into monsters and tried to kill him too.

  Percy basically has two homes . One of his homes is Camp-Half Blood and the other is his old home which is the one he doesn’t go to anymore. Camp-Half Blood was for demigods like him where you learn to fight and protect yourself from monsters. Percy makes lots of friends there and becomes a great fighter. He influenced lots of the other campers throughout the book to never give up and to try their hardest.

  Percy does lots of things besides school. He trains very hard almost every day at camp and almost once a year he will go on dangerous quests to fight monsters or to save someone or something. Percy’s god life is hard because he is the son of Poseidon so he is a big target for monsters. Poseidon is one of the top three gods. When Percy turns 16 he can chose whether or not he wants to be immortal and be a god or stay the way he is. Percy decides to remain the way he is because his relationship with would change greatly. The gods were upset that Percy turned their offer down because they feel that humans think that they don’t need the gods anymore.

  Percy changed a lot from the time he was a regular kid to when he found out he was a demigod. He went from a kid that didn’t have many friends and had trouble with a lot things, like school and getting along with his dad, to a kid that was a leader and almost everybody knew. Also he saved the world, defeated titans, and became a hero to the demigods and the gods.

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